Wednesday, March 19, 2008


My sisters and I got tickets to the May 8th Superchic[k] concert! EEE!! I'm so jazzed about this. I've loved this band for ages and I'm really looking forward to going to this concert in Colorado Springs. So far it's just going to be me and my sisters and one of their good friends, but I'm hoping to take a girlfriend with me too, maybe Melanie or Erin.

Oh, and I've been knitting too... Working on my first pair of socks!! YAY!

My birthday (March 10th) was pretty good. I can't believe I'm finally 18!


Anonymous said...

happy belated birthday and i hope you have a great time at the concert!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!!!

I'm turning 18 on Friday and it seems weird to me. Haha.

Have a great time at the concert!!

I can't wait to see your first pair of socks...what method did you use? My first and only pair was on dpns. The other ways scare me. Haha.

Sisterly Knits said...


Happy birthday, and many gifts/wishes for you. I can't wait to see the socks, you've finally tackled them, huh? =) Oh happy day.