So I'm not saying to expect daily updates or even weekly updates, although that would be nice. My life has changed a lot in the year since I last posted and of course, I'm super busy with it. But this entry is me trying to reclaim my little corner of the interwebs.

Hubby has been great through this big change. He puts up with all my nursing school friends (who are super amazing!) constantly being at my house. He's even friends with some of them on facebook. Go Hubby for being great!
Now this blog started off as a craft/knitting blog. While creativity is still a huge part of my life, it's no longer my main thing. Nursing school is pretty much my life right now. Thankfully I still get to squeeze in the occasional project, a few stitches here and there between reading assignments, lab hours, class, and clinical days at the two medical hospitals in town.
So if you're still reading, thank you. I hope you continue to check back occasionally as I really do want to update more. If there's something you'd like to see, lemme know!
love and coffee,