It has been too long since I last posted. Why does it feel like I am always trying to play catch up for this poor blog? I am sorry my dear readers, if there are any left of you... I guess that just leaves the question: what has been going on in my life lately?
Me and my awesome boyfriend |
Well, first of all I am still with Jared, who is officially the most incredible boyfriend in the entire world. I have never been so happy with anybody else. Jared, if you read this, I love you. =)
I've also been working at the mental hospital here and so far I absolutely love my job. School just started this week, and I am excited about the classes I am taking.
As far as knitting goes, I am still working on the Spiderman blanket and really nothing else. That blanket is just so addicting.
I'm sorry I don't really have much else to report. So far 2011 is amazing but kinda uneventful.
love and coffee,