Saturday, March 6, 2010

Avon Lady Calling!

That's right readers, I've started selling one of Amercia's oldest beauty brands: Avon.  If you want to check out my Avon website and order from me, enter "FSANY" for free shipping on any order. If you have any interest in becoming an Avon representative, I can also get you the hook-up on that; all it takes is $10 to start.

Okay, I'm sure I sound like a sales pitch, but I wanted to share how exciting it has been for me to sell Avon. I've always loved the company; after all, who didn't grow up with a Skin So Soft product or an Avon lipstick in the house? Since starting this endeavor, I've rediscovered some of my favorite products, like Glimmersticks eyeliner or Slick Tints lip balm, and found some new ones, like their new line called Moisture Therapy.  I hope you take a chance to check out the website, and if you have any questions to hit me up.

Coffee & cashmere (& lipstick!),